Consumer Goods

Increase operational efficiency with a digital twin of agricultural production and upstream supply chains
Data-driven insights for a more sustainable world

Build trust with your consumers, collaborate effectively with your suppliers, and objectively measure your impact on the natural world. Empowered by remote sensing, machine learning, and big data, Consumer Goods (CPG) leaders leverage our platform to:


  • Improve quantitative purchasing strategies with geospatial data
  • Develop factor models of production and international trade signals to feed purchasing strategies
  • Predict crop yields and other market factors to better understand supply chain disruptions and dynamics
  • Lower the cost of verifying environmental impacts while strengthening the narrative with consumers
  • Identify and detect changes in key characteristics of natural resources (forest, water, soil, air) to set ambitious yet realistic sustainability goals
Get in touch to learn more

External pressures on consumer-facing businesses

The 2020s are the decisive decade for climate change. Achieving global-scale impact in your supply chain requires global scale visibility and insights
The technology
We continuously ingest and process massive volumes of geospatial data, taking the cost and burden of handling data off our customers. On top of our platform, we've built two packages for consumer goods corporations with all the tools they need to begin to verify sustainability commitments and improve purchasing strategies.

Case Study

Increasing transparency in the palm supply chain

Consumer goods companies are facing immense pressure from consumers, NGOs, and regulatory bodies to monitor the environmental impacts of their suppliers and increase transparency over their sustainability commitments. Companies that can't verify progress towards targets may lose competitive advantages and face public backlash. These large corporations rely on the Descartes Labs Platform to scientifically measure and validate their ‘zero deforestation’ commitments to internal and third party stakeholders, as well as to inform their post-2020 sustainable sourcing agenda.


We helped one of our major customers by quickly creating a cloud-free composite using cloud and haze-free pixels from one of the cloudiest regions on the planet - Southeast Asia. Using standard industry practices, this project would have taken several months to complete; we generated this composite in less than a week using our powerful geoprocessing platform. This work feeds our ongoing deforestation alerting, which provides critical metadata to palm buyers including the type of deforestation (smallholder vs industrial) and the speed at which deforestation is occurring. Learn more about our deforestation and forest carbon offering.

Our 97% accurate forest mask and 94% accurate palm mask well exceed academia’s best-in-class benchmarks
Art of the possible
With the Descartes Labs Platform, business and data science teams can rapidly hypothesize, test, and deploy predictive analytics. These examples showcase the diverse use cases of our customers.
Forest carbon tile-min
Estimate the carbon equivalent of deforestation to inform emissions accounting.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch to discuss how our technology improves purchasing strategies and helps organizations quantify, prioritize, act, and report against sustainability commitments. We're eager to maximize oversight across your supply chain so you can react more effectively to potential disruptions while mitigating reputational risk.
Contact us today